Ching-Min Lin

林靜旻 出生於台灣屏東。於法國巴黎師範音樂院獲得長笛最高獨奏家文憑暨評審一致通過(2009)、巴黎克拉瑪音樂院短笛音樂文憑(2009)。目前為長榮交響樂團長笛/短笛演奏團員。 從小接受完整的音樂教育,師事宋麗曼老師及林薏蕙老師。2005年自國立台北教育大學畢業後赴法深造,隨即考入法國巴黎師範音樂院,師事Prof. Pierre-Yves Artuad,於2009年4月以優異的成績獲得長笛最高獨奏家文憑暨評審一致通過的殊榮 ('Diplôme Supérieur de Concertiste de Flûte' - unanimity from jury)。由於對短笛的喜愛,2008年在攻讀最高獨奏家文憑期間,通過克拉瑪音樂院短笛入學考,追隨巴黎歌劇院短笛大師Pierre Dumail門下學習,於2009年獲得短笛音樂文憑(Diplôme d’Etudes Musicales)。旅法期間積極參與各項國際長笛大賽與演出,曾獲得國際長笛大賽 '2005 The Winner of Belgrade international competition' 第三名、法國朗德音樂大賽第三獎並受邀參加第七屆國際朗帕爾長笛大賽;除了在巴黎舉辦多場獨奏會外,多次與法國現代長笛樂團(Orchestre de Flute Francais)於歐洲各地演出。 2009年返台後積極參與獨奏表演,與眾多國內外知名樂團演出協奏曲,例如 : 馬來西亞檳城交響樂團、高雄市民管樂團和長榮交響樂團;隔年三月獲選台北音契"巴赫新聲"新秀長笛家,舉辦返台後第一場獨奏會,並於七月在國家演奏廳舉辦個人長笛獨奏會。2010年考入長榮交響樂團,目前擔任該團長笛兼短笛演奏團員,並隨樂團於許多國家巡迴,以及在眾多國際音樂節中演出。

Evergreen Symphony Orchestra - Flautist / Piccoloist

Born in Taiwan, Ching-min Lin began studying flute at an early age with Professor Li-men Sung and Professor Yi-hui Lin. After graduating from National Taipei University of Education, she went to France to study under Professor Pierre-Yves Artaud at 'Ecole Normal de Musique de Paris’ (ENMP). In April 2009, she received the 'Diplôme Supérieur de Concertiste de Flûte à l'unanimité du jury’ (by unanimous vote) from ENMP. At the same time, she earned the 'Diplôme d’Etudes Musicales Specialite Piccolo' at the 'Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental de Clamart' under Professor Pierre Dumail, piccoloist of 'l’Orchestre de l’Opéra National de Paris'.

Ms. Lin has also participated in numerous international competitions, and was awarded 'The winner of Belgrade 2005 International Flute Competition' in Serbia, 'Concours National de Musique de Lempdes 2006' in France and was invited to perform in the '7th Jean-Pierre Rampal Flute Competition'.

Since returning to Taiwan in 2010 Ms. Lin has joined the Evergreen Symphony Orchestra and has traveled to several countries and international music festivals with the orchestra. As a soloist she has appeared with a number of orchestras, including Penang Symphony Orchestra, Kaohsiung Citizens Orchestra as well as Evergreen Symphony Orchestra. In addition to performing as a soloist and working full-time for the orchestra, she immerses herself in music education and chamber music performance.